LifeRight Outreach: Men’s House Rules

Schedule – Residents are required to attend ALL scheduled classes, meetings, and groups at LifeRight Outreach (LRO) unless you have made prior arrangements with staff. ** This includes campus Life Skills, volunteer projects in our community and community outreach projects. NO personal calls allowed during ANY of these scheduled times!
NO Paid Employment – Residents are NOT ALLOWED to work (have a Job) during their first 90 days at LifeRight Outreach! Once they successfully complete the first 90 days, they are encouraged to find paid employment (work) in a healthy work environment. There are some exceptions for Teen Challenge graduates and other determinations will be made on a case by case basis.
Church – All residents are required to attend the LifeRight services held on Wednesdays & Sundays at 6:30pm. Residents are encouraged to find a local church to attend on Sunday mornings and to get involved in the activities that church offers.
Medical or Personal Appointments – Medical and Personal appointments are to be made before or after scheduled LRO hours. Arrangements for transportaion to personal appointments need to be made at least two days in advance..
Sign Out Log – There is a SIGN OUT LOG near front doors that must be filled out each time You leave and return to the facility. Put your Name, date, time leaving, destination, and time of return needs to be clearly documented on sign out log sheets. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Time Away from Campus – Residents are only allowed to be off campus a maximum of 4 hours at a time without prior approval. Be sure to sign out and in when returning!
Quiet Time – Please be respectful of other residents who may be sleeping, before lights out or who work different shifts and may be sleeping during the day, by keeping conversations in bedrooms and using head-phones while listening to music/pod casts/phones after 9:00pm. ALL CELL phones will be turned in by 10:00pm and returned at 8:00am.
Curfew – All residents are required to be on LifeRight Outreach (LRO) property grounds by 9:00pm. Any one not on the campus by this time must have prior approval.
Chores – Residents are given chores that are to be completed each day. If for some reason you are unable to
do your assigned chore, you are responsible for finding someone to do that chore for you. -
Bedrooms – Bedrooms must be kept clean! Beds made, floors vacuumed and belongings in order. Floors are to be kept free of clothing and extra belongings other than tools and perhaps a floor fan and/or a bicycle. Doors are to REMAIN OPEN when anyone is in your room with you. ** PARENTS ** Play pens can be in
your rooms. However, when not in use, please close play pens and store in the corner of room. -
NO Drug use! NO Alcohol use! ALL medications MUST be turned in to staff when you first arrive.
Medication sheets (provided by us) need to be filled out and any narcotic medications will be locked up. -
NO Profanity! NO Swearing! Bad language, or inappropriate attire, is NOT allowed on the LifeRight Outreach campus. This includes any clothing that promotes depravity.
PASS Requests - All pass requests MUST be turned in by Wednesday by noon. If approved for a weekend pass, your pass starts at 4:30pm on Friday and ends Sunday at 8:00pm. You MUST return ON TIME!
NO rated R movies - Television shows must be wholesome. NO televisions or iPads allowed in your rooms at any time. If during a room check either are found, they will be locked up in Administrator’s office until you successfully graduate or move out.
NO Women allowed in your rooms at any time! They can visit, but no women on campus after 9:00pm.
No secular music or books - When listening to music, please pick music with no profanity and keep the volume low for there are other residents that may be resting.
No new romantic relationships! Please discuss with Program Director or other staff when you move in.
DO NOT walk out of the bathroom without being dressed. NO ONE is to walk around without a shirt on!
Possession of Vehicle - You MUST show current proof of your VALID Driver’s License and Proof of your VALID Auto Insurance. A copy of both must be turned into the Administrator upon the arrival of your vehicle on campus.
Enjoy your time at LifeRight Outreach. Get to know yourself and what’s truly important in life.